Troubleshooting Guide – Battery Chargers

Some Control Solutions Battery Chargers equipped with external LEDs are capable of displaying error codes. When an error is detected, the LED will flash a 2 digit sequence of numbers indicating the diagnostic code. The flashing occurs in this order:

Example 2-1 of error code on a CS1155

  1. The LED/user/throttle interface will flash a number of times indicating the first number of the code.
  2. A 1 second pause.
  3. The LED/user/throttle interface will flash a number of times indicating the second number of the code.
  4. A pause for 5 seconds and then the flash sequence will repeat the error code.
To troubleshoot the problem follow these steps:
  1. Write down the error code as determined from the procedure above.
  2. Find the error code in the table below.
  3. Follow the Corrective Steps in the table to resolve the problem.
  4. If the Corrective Steps do not solve your problem, contact Control Solutions Technical Support for help.
Error CodesProblemPossible CausesCorrective Steps
4-2Charge Mode TimeoutThe charge cycle did not complete within 24 hours.1. Check the battery charger and its connections for problems. 2. The batteries should be inspected for problems by a qualified technician.
4-3Charger Over TemperatureThe charger overheated during the charge cycle (valid for CS1204 charger only). Check the battery and charger for problems.1. The batteries should be inspected for problems by a qualified technician. 2. Battery charger is faulty.

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